Pledge Your Support

To contribute by mail, send checks to:
Foster for the Fourth
P.O. Box 515
Columbia MO 65205
By clicking donate on this page, you verify the following statements are true and accurate:

–I am a United States citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (a “green card holder”).
–This contribution is from domestic (U.S.) sources.
–This contribution is made from the funds of the contributor named above and not those provided by another individual or organization for the purpose of making this contribution.
–This contribution is made using a credit or debit card for which the contributor named above has the legal obligation to pay and not the credit card of another individual or organization.
–This contribution, whether by an individual or organization, will not be reimbursed by another person or entity.
–This contribution is not made from the funds of an individual or organization who is a federal government contractor or a foreign organization.
–This contribution is not made from the general treasury funds of a corporation, labor organization, or national bank.

All donations are final.
Nick Foster © 2025
Website by 360 CoMo LLC
Paid for by Foster for the Fourth, Jack Jensen, Treasurer
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